Part of
custom-designing wedding invitations that we love is the ability to tailor its wording to perfectly suit the couple, the venue, the right involvement of their parents and the vibe they're trying to achieve for the wedding. In your
quest for the perfect words, we encourage you to keep it simple and not too wordy. Casual, down-to-earth or formal, the right words help guests know just what to expect and even how to dress for your big day.
More and more, we're meeting couples who understand and take advantage of this opportunity to express themselves perfectly, and we're here to help. Here are a few samples we like, but we can alter any or create something new to fit your unique situation. And of course, rules can definitely be broken tastefully to make everyone involved feel comfortable.
1. Bride's Parent Hosting—Formal (Religious Venue)Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goodman
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Jennifer Ann to John Lucas O'brien
Saturday, the seventh of November
two thousand and nine
at half past four in the afternoon
Saint Mary's Cathedral
2157 Erie Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
Reception to follow.
2. Bride's Parent Hosting—Informal (Secular Venue)Thomas and Anne Goodman
invite you to the wedding of their daughter
Jennifer Ann to John Lucas O'brien
Saturday, the eleventh of May
two thousand and nine
at half past four in the afternoon
Crystal Plaza
Livingston, New Jersey
Dinner and dancing to follow
3. Both Sets of Parents Hosting—Formal (Secular Venue)Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goodman &
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Richard Flanigan
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their children
Jennifer Ann and John Lucas
Saturday, the seventh of November
two thousand and nine
at half past five in the afternoon
Hilton Netherlands Plaza
Cincinnati, Ohio
Dinner and dancing to follow
4. Both Sets of Parents Hosting—Casual (Religious Venue)Thomas and Anne Goodman &
Christopher and Sally O'brien
invite you to the wedding of their children
Jennifer Kelly to Eric Lucas O'brien
Saturday, May 17, 2008
at 4:30 in the afternoon
Grace United Methodist Church
5784 South Fourth Street
Dayton, Ohio
Dinner reception to follow
5. Both Sets of Parents Hosting—Casual (Secular Venue)Love was meant to be shared
with parents, family and friends.
Sally Ann Smith and John Lee Jones
together with their parents
Robert and Linda Smith and Richard and Jane Jones
invite you to share in their wedding celebration
Saturday, the nineteenth of August
two thousand and nine
at half past five in the evening
The Millenium Hotel
12345 Main Street
Cincinnati, Ohio
Dinner and dancing to follow.
6. Groom's Parents Hosting—Formal (Religious Venue)Mr. and Mrs. Scott O'brien
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of
Jennifer Ann Goodman
to their son
Eric Lucas
Saturday, the seventh of November
two thousand and nine
at half past four o'clock
Grace United Methodist Church
5874 Main Street
Dayton, Ohio
Reception to follow.
7. Couple Hosting—Casual (Religious Venue)The pleasure of your company
is requested at the marriage of
Jennifer Ann Goodman to John Eric Jacobson
Saturday, the seventeenth of May
two thousand and nine
at five o'clock in the afternoon
The Chapel at Oneonta
5784 Ridgeview Avenue
Bellevue, Kentucky
The celebration continues at the Garden Room at Oneonta.
8. Couple Hosting—Casual (Secular Venue)You are invited to a celebration
of the beginning of our new life together
as Jennifer Kelly Hudson
and Eric Lucas Fitzgerald
are united as husband and wife
Saturday, the eleventh of November
two thousand and nine
at half past four in the afternoon
The Twentieth Century Theatre
Cincinnati, Ohio
Dinner and dancing to follow
9. Everyone Hosting—Formal (Religious Venue)Ms. Jennifer Ann Goodman
and Mr. John Lucas O'brien
together with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee Goodman &
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paul O'brien
request the honor of your presence
at their wedding
Saturday, the eleventh of November
two thousand and nine
at five o'clock in the afternoon
Wise Temple
726 Plum Street
Cincinnati, Ohio
Reception to follow
10. Everyone Hosting—Casual (Secular Venue)Jennifer Ann Goodman &
John Lucas O'brien
together with their parents
invite you to share in the joy
of their wedding day
Saturday, the seventh of Novemeber
two thousand and nine
at half past four in the afternoon
Mariemont Inn
Chicago, Illinois
Dinner and merriment to follow